Monday, March 2, 2009

Boy of US

Boys R Us is proud to announce that Tucson will host IDKE 11 in 2009. Excited to have earned the privilege to bring this conference to Arizona for the first time in IDKE history, Boys R Us will lend new meaning to rebirth as they put on the biggest conference of this kind, showing off Tucson's many resources and regional beauty. This year as a ramp up to IDKE 10 2008 in Columbus, Ohio Boys R Us will be hosting all new shows; performing brand new material and continuing their strong tradition of being Arizona's premier, and undisputed, gender performance troupe.
Boys R Us are first and foremost entertainers, and anyone – gay, straight, or otherwise – who walks through the door will be captivated by an extraordinary spectacle that, fittingly, blurs the lines between the entrenched norms: It is at once both a drag revue, performance art-piece, stage play, and rock show. Their material ranges the spectrum from poignant social issues to quirky, smart lampooning of the government and every stop in between. Some pieces make you sing, some make you laugh, and a few of them will hit you full on with the seriousness and intelligence they display. Come see Boys R Us, support the local arts, and become an instant fan!
For more info on IDKE history visit and for this years conference. For details on upcoming shows and sponsoring Boys R Us please call 520-304-2155

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